At the age 25, I cutting off chicken and meat from my diet and have been consistent since then. I am not fully vegetarian nor a vegan person but I’ll use that label if I eating out and ordering meals that possibly have chicken or meat in it – there is no need to waste. My behavior constantly put a big question mark inside the head who have known including my parent. They asked me why put the “limit” on yourself? I’m asking myself, “Am I?” I am not suppressing my self from eating meat despite, I will unconsciously rejecting whenever I put inside or even imagined it. Thus what “limit” which I have been restraining myself from?
In traditional Hindu society, there are the caste called Brahmin which most of them are the most “religious” compared to among. However, in ancient Hindu society, this caste were meant for the thinkers and bring humanity to higher state of consciousness. They practiced various kind of discipline including what they should consume, and not eating meat is one of them.
Then, I realized.
Indeed. I am “limiting” myself. To be specific, limit the ego-self’s desires. I didn’t realized I was taming the ego along the way and almost destroying him since he became weaker ever since I have been fasting from eating meat. Pleasure and Pain, is the fuel of the ego.
In orthodox Christian, there is season called Lent where the followers will sacrifice one’s pleasure during this 6 week season. This is period of time where the Jesus fasting 40 days and night in Judaean Dessert. Where, this event teach us the Three temptation of Satan which all three of tempting on Man’s ego.
Fasting then became a pillar of Islam where muslim submit their pleasures on the month of Ramadan which believed the same period when Jesus fasting in the period of time where the daylight was much longer than the night. We submit our pleasure in name of ALLH by fasting in the month of Ramadan, without realizing fasting used to tame the ego which have drive ourselves away from ALLH.
Ancient Brahmins realized this and that’s why brahmin is the poorest caste. They shares the same attitude of fasting Jesus where not tempted by worldly desires.
Fasting is Ego Tamers.
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