In the very beginning, our cause with it to build a world where the vast majority of us proud of who they are, it it to be true to who they are. By together we have a fulfilled life with our contribution of value from our own uniqueness. It is my idealism try to push forward to my reader even though I might never could see it in my lifetime. But I don’t have anything that I want to do accept to fulfill my purpose. That’s come from the fulfillment that I blessed at age 25 year.

You might thought it is such a young age to achieve a fulfillment of life. Even I would be skeptical with that claim. But the truth revealed toward thy seekers. Yes, you need to be a seeker and I start 10 years at age 15 years old. I might be a unique case since I got sudden enlightenment through weird dream and until I still received periodically and even I scared with it. Not scared with that dream, but the responsibility that I need to burden from those messages and that might be facilitate of my seeking of truth. I was young with no commitment, I get on the path of high risk path which most adult and my friend can not be done like willing to quit my job, my status quo. Like most entrepreneurial advice, “while you are young, take a risk” said by Jack Ma, Steve Jobs and more but I took it for my spiritual and existential path and not materialism since attached with materialism distract us toward fulfillment of the void.

You might asked yourself, how do you know if you or someone else reached a fulfilled life. What its look like a fulfilled life. And the truth is, it cannot be explained. It’s like explaining the taste of salt with someone who never taste saltiness. Or describing color toward blind people. You need to experience it by yourself, and doing that you need to become a seeker. The seeker of truth.

However, what we could notice and described is the changes of behavior of that person and if we compare them with historical figures and hero, you would the commonality. If you are muslim you read the history of companions or if you liberal enough you could also read about Siddharta Gautama reaching his fulfillment at the end of his sawana. However most of newer generation more inclined to logical so I bring this Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs. I stumbled it when I reading my psychology books collection. I mean if you are truth seeker you need to read more isn’t.

Self-Actualization is the highest in the pyramid of human need mean the individual finally had reach a fulfillment of their existence. That was the teaching Gautama and guide his disciples toward their own self-actualization. Maslow also define as a reaching peace. Peace.. where we have been heard before? Oh it is the definition of Islam derived from SLM (arabic alphabet) and muslim greets each other with”may peace be with you”. By the way, Buddhism is not a religion(it depend on how you defined it). You might say it’s a compilation of Gautama’s philosophies. So I read his philosophies, not just his but other philosopher like Companions’, Ghazali, Rumi, Nietzsche, Seneca, Taoism and more, I love History since school you could ask from my former classmates (Thank you Cikgu Kamal). However, you could read all their writing even memorized like most scholar did, but it will never give you a fulfilled life or peace. It is a journey, and you need to take a voyage by yourself or with partner equipped with their guidance. “Philosophies cannot be taught,…”

So, what happens when one person have reach the peak of our existential need? This triangle will transform to a cycle(continuously until dead) . The one will return to first stage to fulfill their physiological needs, safety and so on but with a new leaf. It happens to Gautama Buddha, It happens to Muhammad and me. That is what we could notices. Their behavior changes, sometime drastically sometime it took a while. Like butterfly arise after metamophorsis. Butterfly no longer eat like caterpillar, move like before or even look like before. Personally, I realized the changes on myself not a long ago when I’m with.. myself. I stopped eating meat, I no longer sleep with blanket or like “fanboy” with  product (but I still will use apple). That changes what makes them different and unique, because they return to their true core of who they are. (Disclaimer: It does not mean a fulfilled person will become vegetarians, you could eat meat afterward based on your need. It depends WHY you eat one, are you living in harsh environment like Yakutia or want to become a body builder with stricter diet? Or just a denial from the truth of fulfilling the desires and gluttony from the deliciousness of meat? I’m not vegetarian but I’m only eat meat for certain requirement and situation)

We are the proof and a witnesses of contribution from these kind of crazy people, too crazy that change the human civilization.

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