Before we wonder to whom we should be justice to, how you define justice and why we kept fight for it. Justice is the word which most people will bewitched with it. Who hates justice.? But ever we wonder why we truly adores Justice and even fight for it. Justice by definition is putting the rights where it should belong. For examples, we place our head on pillow, that is justice. We place our butts on chair not the table is justice. Every existence in this world have purposes to fulfill and if placed with other things the injustice occurs which may lead to catastrophe.
Most often people hearts’s void filled unjustly which lead to dying of our soul and it happened to me. Over 7 years, I placed a person in my hearts and only it did only leads me to the thirst of platonic affection. Our hearts void need to be filled with loves not the person. And love comes with many shape, I just need to stop resisting: the love from my parents, the love from male friends, the love from my female friends, and if you are thinker, it is the love from our creator as our soul is from Him and to him we shall return, and death is what we will seeking for. You know what the most romantic situation are? One person eagerly to pursue, and One patiently waiting for the return.
Why we adores Justice. Because it is difficult to accomplish because of the ignorance we nurtured from childhood and luxury we lived in. The answer of it is always within ourselves. We are being ignorant to ourselves. How fool we are. In the beginning, we never have the power to be just on others. We only need to just to ourselves. It may sounds narcissistic, and it is. Narcissistic is part of human nature but it taken controlled unconsciously by shadow side of ourselves. If we observed carefully, we never could place other human’s ego with our ego, except toward ourselves. Place your beings, into the right place that fulfill your existence exactly like how we place petrol in our vehicle, the pillow with our head. Since, only you know better of yourselves. Only you know the secret you hold from others. Why you should be zalim toward yourself. Toward your soul. Toward your bodies. Toward your mind.
People have to save themselves, others saving others is impossible. If selfish is just for you, be selfish. If selfless is just for you, be selfless. We all have different color to colorized our canvas. Spouse and children is a part of you. Being just to them means you being just to ourselves. The idea of marriage really helps human being to be a better version of themselves since we could literally see us on them and just to them on real time. For me, I have unlocked the my awareness which I could see myself as a third person(which it is sound creepy), but most people might never can’t or won’t. But marriage indirectly guide you to be fair, to be just toward ourselves. That’s why I always speak to my friends, or maybe followers, I will ask him to get married soon and will help for that reason.
“La ila haila Anta SubhanaKa Inni kuntumina Zolimin”
Just: Adl
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