
The biggest liar is who successfully lie himself/herself.

Before this, I had written that to live true we need to speak truthfully (or just shut up for certain conditions). I think truth is the root of the justice, with it, we able to just with ourselves. Nevertheless, I living in the era where people could not trust to those who honest but rather more believe on someone who could deceive them. Likewise, most people rather believe on fiat currency rather than the real wealth. I’m myself not an honest person, I did lie in the past. In fact, I am the biggest liar. And it is hard for me to live in this world as non-liar existence since people look for beauty and pleasure in every word we speak. But truth? It’s bitter than bitter, and yet sweetest than any sweetest.

But why we do lie in the first place. Hmm, as far I could remember my mom just tell me something not true toward my teacher during primary school. The weirdest thing I observed for the past 26 years of my age. The one who introduced lie into mankind mainly is woman or feminine symbols, verbally or not verbal (based on child observation toward his mother since the father always being passive in his house). My guy friend also often to lie everytime and it brings me to my unwritten third criteria of evil from my latter post (read evil). The Deceptions.

The reason I didn’t put back then because of the deception only could perceived as evil if only rooted back to the first 2 criteria. We have deception strategy in war, businesses, negotiation and it difficult to put in words that deception is an act of evil. Even Lie I can not generally called it as an act of evil even though it is one the element in deception and one the trinity of evil.

Hence, what is lie and where it came from? But first to ensure we think in similar understanding of lie – Lie is a untruthful / false statement from what really happened and consciously tell/write/show even though we knew it was incorrect. If someone tell you he will be meet you at 1PM and he didn’t appear, that was not lie..NOBODY KNOW THE FUTURE, we only could assume. So where it come from? To be honest I have no idea. What I learn, we lie to comfort ourselves. At least, that I was used to. Get away from troubles. Human being always seeks or safety and security and that it is our nature and devil use it as our weaknesses. By lying, we shutting ourselves from the truth. The truth of Universe, the truth of ourselves and live truly as who we really are. The worst we shutting ourselves from The Absolute Truth which Muslims also called as ALLAH. If you ask me why I could tell no lies. I just give up, or the correct phrase is total surrender of myself, surrender my safety, security and comfort to Absolute Truth. Just trust the Universe. I have no longer have reason to lie someone to gain credit, jobs, women, money, profits etc.

As I said before in my prior writing, this is the way of life not just a scenario-centric decision making. You choose your own, I choose mine. But if choose to live in truth, be prepared since you embark the abrahamic adventures and test will bestowed upon you.

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