Start every conversations with truth, end with honesty and in between with facts. If you are in the journey of finding the truth, always speak with truth.

By lying, you are building the walls from the truth. And the tallest wall is lying towards yourself and the thickest wall is lying to other person. Yes, truth sometimes could be pain and hurtful. But embrace it, so that you could be better version of yourself. Being true of ourselves is the biggest gift you could ever imagine.

Starting to be true of ourselves is a very lonely journey. I learn it in a hard way. Staying to speak with truth made you be less trustful toward some people since they have their own wall from us. Actually, it’s a good thing. Less devil with the face of human in your friends list and one day you will be meet someone who believe on what you believe. But it need patience, I mean lot of patience. One way to fasten the process is meet, share and tell more people either in conversation, writing or song. The person who have put down their wall will see the truth behind the wall. Hence, believe it and stay strong, if you found them first, reach it. Let them know you found them so you both will be stronger together.

To speak with truth is easy but stay commited with that principle is tough. Especially if you are married or have a partner. You will always challenged whenever want to speak with honest. And I have no rights to speak about it (yet) since I still bachelor. Since I’ve been practicing on what I believe, more people less likely to engaged with me especially those love wearing a make up. Wearing make up is an act of lying yourself which means they have their own wall and it’s beyond of my capabilities ( make up here I mean full make up, not a little touch up or for camera recording). My advice — get treatment and skin care routine.

Living truthfully is a choice. It’s a way of life, not a scenario-centric decision. Speak honestly doesn’t made you naive, if you are in situation where telling the truth could harm others or you. Stay silent. Or say “no comment” or answer with the question. At least that’s what I’ve been practicing.

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