
Relationship is needed for our conscious mind to interact with this whole universe and creations which the minds that associate with ignorance can not contain the truth. However, it is different attitude for the “soulmate seekers” while you might seeking “the one” except you will never find it. Until you realize one thing — There is no separation between the self and the other.

Realizing, your friends, pets, teammates, family member, or spouse(s) is also you at least metaphysically. It is “the one”, it could be united under one particular symbol from our convention which made easier for us to comprehend the meaning. It could be a flag or corporate brand, family name, or even a ring, except any of these meant anything. Those merely symbols we invent to represent something that beyond our consciousness mind could comprehend. The moment you realize there is no separation between You and I — this is the soulmate. Then, continue live as usual by playing your roles in symbolic lives as a husband or wife, as a parent or a child. But this time, you have the wisdom which made you free from the shackles of erroneous temptation of the devil.

But if you confuse soul-mate with sex-mate, I wouldn’t judge you since there is a relationship between sex and spirituality which why some cult have implemented orgies in their teaching of spirituality to be together as one or to be together as whole. I like this idea ideologically but this kind of act will disrupt the roles which we need to play in symbolic lives as a person (persona). Or I could rephrase it this kind of act will turn you a pig.

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