Do you believe in equivalent exchange? You know the stuff we learn from alchemy from the Japanese animation called Fullmetal alchemist. I kinda believe on it. Not about alchemy and those fantasy stuff, but more on if you want something, you need to exchange it with the equivalent exchange. This is what I searching for in my lifetime what you need to exchange in order for you to become a better version of yourself.
Despite struggling with nihilism and existential crisis within my journey, it is worth to take a pill. Hence, It happen to be 5 elements you must ready and accept the terms before you could be better version of yourself.
Some of it might sounds unrelatable to become a better version of myself. To be frank, its not become a better version of ourselves —- it is about being human. I just simply codify them for us to accept and submit to differ us from pigs and cows. Which might you could be say much more civilized species.
For your information, these 5 element is just a beginning of the journey. But this is the basic, a fundamental element that anyone should firmly grasp on it or it will failed during your journey.
To visualize this. Imagine these 5 elements is main components to prepare in your boat before you went off to a journey. You could sail away with incomplete components but during the unfortunate event, you boat would be wreck.
What is 5 elements you might wondered. It is E.T.P.W.E. or I called them the SHOOTING STAR points.
ETPWE. I really need to fix the acronym however it stand for 5 element which you should submit and surrender yourself before becoming a better person.
- Ego
- Time
- Pleasure
- Wealth
- Energy
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