Before we learn about the criteria of people of faith. We need to fully comprehend what it mean by having faith. People who have established belief architecture in their axiom does not always mean they could apply faith on their action. Beside, act of faith is quite opposite with act of belief. Thus, we need to understand what belief first before we jump into what is faith. However, I am not going to fully explain and describe in this post since it is a phase of action unlike the previous stage of man — the man of symbols. I could write a whole book for the man of symbols but we all know which people could create almost anything to describe this universe. Geologist could write a whole book only to describe rock. But a symbols does not mean anything, ancient people already could benefit many kinds of rock without a book, it is just a tool for us to egonize the whole creation and I don’t want to waste my time with symbols.

Belief is the sense of hope and fear toward a set of belief system either we create or given not limited to religion only. Let’s say you are looking for husband material to be your partner. What you hope and fear from future partner is defined by a set of criteria on physical/material symbolism and personality. Imam maturidi also said the belief is like a pair of wings between hopes and fear. But, do you know what inside of feather? Hollow. If one day I turned to be an evilish person I could become. I would manipulate people belief through hope and fear. That’s exactly what anti-christ or Dajjal would do — manipulating people hope and fear with symbolism which we already confused and manipulated by the convention of fiat currency. Hence, being a believer means we hoping to symbolism to be true or fear on probabilty of pain and suffering. Which is a whole different of attitude with people of faith.

Man of faith cannot be treated as position like we treated in social hierarchy. To be people of faith is a journey, a test, an adventure, a process to learn who they really and back to the nature of humanity which before being deluded with our own world created with symbolism to satisfy our needs and desires in this world. There are many kind of process which exist in human history such as heroic journey, abrahamic adventures, existential crisis and much more and marriage is one them, thus I would use this example since it applies to lot of us. Marriage are not limited to satisfy our need and desires but it also a path of faith adventure to learn who we really are through the reflection of ourselves on our partner and who know what else you could stumble upon to. But it only could be done if you apply act of faith or else you will be playing around in the circle of symbolism like a trap mathematical question.

What it really takes to become a people of faith? The key of faith is trust, truly abandon and submission. But trust is the fear thing to do since it put us a vulnerable state which why only some would want to be one of them. As I said before, it quite opposite with belief where at this stage, you might need to abandon hope and fear which also mean you are going to challenge your own status quo and comfort. At least for the while in journey. Having hope and fear will mostly distract you in the path of faith, what you need to accept, to let go, to trust and must never give up. Do not give up. This is the moment where you are the most vulnerable but with trust you give, you gain the power. It could be divine help or mystical help. It could be a journey where paved the road alone or with someone you love. Love and trust is the same thing to me where both just really means submitting ourselves without demand of return. Trust is the beginning of love. The moment you could trust other, you gain the divine energy called love.

You might wonder who you should trust? Naively to trust false messiah might destroy you instead saving you. That where the point of your journey, to learn of who you are, once you know who you really are you would know who or what to trust which is to trust yourself as the you now is fake created by our Ego/Persona. What I am writing here is not the information or concept, not even a knowledge. But a merely preface of the knowledge which you will gain soon. The knowledge comes from the experience like reading book from one author to another author discover where the knowledge comes from. Once you reach the realization, that is where you beome the peak of man evolution — the man of virtue.

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