Being young and naive, the realization of our own ignorance made us learn and mature to who we are. It includes what we have been learn through our previous relationship. I don’t emphasize on romantic relationship but all kind of relationship, relationship toward family members, friends, spouse, neighbors, including our relationship toward everything in this universe and this planet. And foremost, our relationship with the “God”.
When I embarked in “kalimatul haq” journey — learning to put my youth experience into words truthfully, thus, relationship is one of the those experience we are all shares. In fact, relationship is one of the key in learning who we really are because we cannot know ourselves by our own like how the knife cannot cut himself. When I started trying to codify what I had in my mind, I put myself in experiment, a vulnerable state where I proposing some of female friends for marriage in hoping for their rejection. From there, I started to learn about myself through these girls. To these girls: “I am sorry for using you for my experiment, but I do love you as I love myself and I wish for you to be partner with someone who truly sincere to who you really are except I was destined on His plan”.
Even the relationship with stranger can teach to who you are like my encounter with old man from previous story of mine by learning the arrogance of man toward his God. Like how the saying goes: “every meeting comes with the reason, but only for those use their mind will realize it”.
You might wondered “why and how relationship exist in the first place?”. The only reason relationships still exist for you because you are living in illusion of separation. Relationship is the result of distinction between me and others, and what else who responsible in this other than our ego – “Kau kau, aku aku”. The one who realized, we are actually One in disguise of Many will treat other like how we treat to the self. Then, relationship re-existed merely on playing their roles. That is the virtue in relationship.
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