Marriage is a social contract. And people need it because we living in societies. If there are only 2 human beings exist in this world, you don’t need a marriage except maybe some symbol like ring for their own unity(man, if you read ‘man and his symbols’ you will laugh about how ignorance we are). It is a contract to protect the identity of the child which important for children development for future human generation, the wealth and legacy inheritance and their own social proof of existence(or relationship) since they will never satisfied until both of their names on a paper and stamped by higher figures and known by publics. Since it is a contract, it came with responsibility from both side’s including some limitations to prevent from conflict of interest such as no cheating! And that’s it.. what interest(s) you both agreed before signing that paper, lillahitaala? Or just blindly follow your desires/cravings as per you signed hire purchase agreement for your new branded car. And then people ask me why the rate of divorce increase especially in this age. Why and how to choose partner might be in another time but actually it is almost the same as how business owner looking for partner/vendor before signing a contract except it is much deeper to our own nature, you need to figure it by yourself. Who are you? and what do you want?
Why people married in the first place you ask? It is our nature. You can’t deny the biological need for survival and procreation. So what you do? You guide it toward more humane.
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